"Puedo decir que estamos muy agradecidos mi esposo y yo con las maestras y todo el personal de la escuela, fuimos muy afortunados por haber tenido la dicha de conocer este centro y los que forman parte de él.
Tengo muchos recuerdos muy bonitos, pero uno en particular es un día que estaba compartiendo tiempo en la escuela...ese día mi hijo tenía que narrar un sueño que él hubiera tenido y algunos de sus compañeros tenían que actuar, Diego empezó a narrar su sueño y una persona en el fondo tocaba la guitarra, recuerdo muy bien ese día...me sentí la madre más orgullosa del mundo de ver a mi hijo expresarse de una manera que yo nunca había escuchado, lo sentí seguro de sí mismo, fuerte y capaz de hacer todo lo que él quisiera, recuerdo perfectamente su voz, su cara y el sentimiento que él estaba demostrando, ese día nunca lo olvidare, me sentí muy alegre, emocionada y enamorada de la manera tan única que Diego se estaba desarrollando..." --- "I want to say that we are very thankful, my husband and I with the teachers and all the staff of the school. We were very fortunate to have had the pleasure to know this center and all who are a part of it.
I have many beautiful memories, but one in particular was the day I was spending time at the school...on that day my son had to narrate one of his dreams and some of his classmates had to act it out. Diego started to tell his dream, and someone in the distance played a guitar. I remember that day very well... I felt like the proudest mother in the world to see my son express himself in a manner that I had never heard-strong and very capable of doing anything he wished. I remember his voice perfectly, his face, and the feelings he was demonstrating. I will never forget that day. I felt very happy, excited, and in love with the way Diego was developing..."
-Lisbet (parent of two Thomas students)
What Velma Thomas Parents Like About the Center (October, 2013 Parent Meeting)
The approach to children’s learning (Reggio inspired)
Children are active; learning in centers
Children are following their interests (in depth studies)
Children are being given a chance to express themselves (words, dance, paint, clay, wire, etc.)
Children are given confidence
Social-emotional learning
Children are developing an understanding of academics without being “forced”
Children learn in small groups
Children are free
Only preschool children
Teachers are able to focus on the children
Parent/teacher relationships
Parents are motivated
Keeps parents better informed
Lo que les gusta a los padres del centro Velma Thomas
(Reunión de padres en octubre de 2013)
El enfoque de los niños al aprendizaje (Reggio inspirado)
Los niños son activos; aprendizaje en el centro
Los niños están siguiendo sus intereses (en estudios de profundidad)
Los niños reciben la oportunidad de expresarse (palabras, danza, pintura, arcilla, alambre, etc.).
Los niños reciben confianza
Aprendizaje social y emocional
Los niños desarrollan un entendimiento de los conceptos académicos sin ser "obligados"
Los niños aprenden en grupos pequeños
Los niños son libres
Sólo niños preescolares
Los profesores se concentran en los niños
Relaciones entre padres/maestros
Los padres son motivados
Mantiene a los padres mejor informados
Reflections of Parents Learning About Children
"Today I realize I haven’t been taking my child’s imagination into consideration. I have always guided him with art projects and simple writing, never letting him do it on his own."
"The language is very important. The way that you speak to a child has a huge impact on what he does on the paper."
"As a facilitator I realized “the children make connections with one another [if I] take a step back and let them teach each other."
"My son was reluctant to come in at all because he was playing. Once he came in to this room his creativity came out. I noticed that he used things in the room to decide what to paint. This is the first time he has paid attention while using watercolors with me. Maybe it was because it was a group experience and everyone else was doing it too."
"How children take pride in their work. How attentive they were.”
"I realized that there are many or other ways to communicate with your child.”
"You can work with the material (watercolors) and discover how your child feels."
“At home my child paints a lot but alone. I realized that getting more involved provides an opportunity for an enjoyable shared experience. The material helps to bring her out rather than her tendency to quietly do things alone. The material (watercolors) helps her to connect to others.”
Diego started to narrate his dream, and someone in the distance played a guitar. I remember that day very well... I felt like the proudest mother in the world to see my son express himself in a manner that I had never heard-strong and very capable of doing anything he wished.
Diego empezó a narrar su sueño y una persona en el fondo tocaba la guitarra, recuerdo muy bien ese día...me sentí la madre más orgullosa del mundo de ver a mi hijo expresarse de una manera que yo nunca había escuchado, lo sentí seguro de sí mismo, fuerte y capaz de hacer todo lo que él quisiera.
-Lizbeth (Parent of Diego)
Children Testimonials
Art is something you learn at this school, Velma Thomas. When you do art you learn to draw things. You learn to draw anything you want. You use your imagination. --- El arte es algo que se aprende en esta escuela, Velma Thomas. Al hacer el arte que se aprende a dibujar cosas. Se aprende a dibujar lo que quieras. Utiliza tu imaginación.
-Zoey, 4
We learned how to build with blocks. You learn how to build…like a helicopter. You don’t build by yourself; you learn how to work together. After you build it, you play with it with your friends. --- Aprendimos cómo construir con bloques. Usted aprenderá cómo construir ... como un helicóptero. No se construye por sí mismo; a aprender cómo trabajar juntos. Después de lo construyes, usted juega con él con tus amigos.
-Jane, 5
We play dogs in the house. I learned that I could pick anyone who could be my owner. They take care of me and stuff. It helps me learn how to be friends with them. --- Jugamos perros en la casa. Me enteré de que pudiera elegir a alguien que pudiera ser mi dueño. Se ocupan de mí y esas cosas. Me ayuda a aprender cómo ser amigo de ellos.
-Liliana, 5
Los ninos aprenden a escribir su nombre. Hacen dibujos para su mama y escribes historias y cuentos. Y luego los amigos y las maestras son los actores. --- The children learn to write their names. They make drawings for their mom and write stories. Then the friends and teachers are the actors.
-Daniel, 4
You learn to play blocks and make castles and learn about caterpillars. You look at them and take care of them. Give them food, too. They eat leaves and apples. You learn how to paint and not hit the markers hard. You have to use the markers nicely. You can learn to read books on the computers. Learn to be nice to people. You learn how to be a good friend. You play everything like water, soccer and play with toys. Everything. --- Se aprende a tocar los bloques y hacer castillos y aprender sobre orugas. Te ves en ellos y cuidar de ellos. Darles la comida, también. Se alimentan de las hojas y las manzanas. Se aprende a pintar y no golpear los marcadores duro. Usted tiene que usar los marcadores muy bien. Usted puede aprender a leer libros sobre las computadoras. Aprende a ser amable con la gente. Usted aprenderá a ser un buen amigo. Usted juega todo como el agua, el fútbol y jugar con los juguetes. Todo.
-Jonathan, 4
The books teach you how to read. You learn about characters and the stuff on the book. Books are made of paper. There’s the front of the book, the back of the book. There’s an illustrator, an author. That’s why you don’t rip books. Books are important. Sometimes when you like a book and someone rips it that’ll hurt your feelings and make you sad. --- Los libros te enseñan a leer. Usted aprenderá acerca de los personajes de anuncios de la materia en el libro. Los libros están hechos de papel. Ahí está la portada del libro, la parte posterior del libro. Hay un ilustrador, un autor. Es por eso que usted no rasgar libros. Los libros son importantes. A veces, cuando te gusta un libro y alguien rasga que va a herir tus sentimientos y te hace sentir triste.